An Insight into the Marshall World with Tanya Marshall

Let’s just say I’ve had a rather fabulous, fast, non stop month of May full of weddings, trips to France and the Grand Prix!

One weekend was especially busy as we hopped, skipped and jumped from London to Kent to the Cote D’Azur in 48 hrs. David and I were invited to attended a very special friends wedding in Canterbury, Kent. The weather was glorious, the location was breathtaking and the bride looked stunning. The champagne was flowing freely but much to my disappointment I had to keep reminding myself we had an early flight in the morning!

By 07:40am the next day David and I were already on a flight to the South of France to watch our guy Jenson Button race in the Grand Prix! On arrival in Monaco we jumped in a helicopter heading for the action. We jumped on a tender that took us to Jenson’s boat Hana, where we shared in all the excitement of the race with friends, laughed a lot and drank more champagne!

The evening was spent at the after party at the infamous Amber Lounge where I danced until 3am and decided I’m going to grow old disgracefully!

So, from a wedding to the Grand Prix to the after-party… what were the perfect jewels for this 48hr adventure? Beach Rocks of course! It’s the perfect collection to inject some fun and glamour into your travel wardrobe.

I wore the diamond and opal ‘Octopus’ pendant layered with a long beach rocks charm chain along with the matching charm bracelet and our exquisite fire opal and diamond cocktail ring. The pieces looked amazing and I was very proud to wear them.

The weekend was over in a flash and the rest of May disappeared quickly with it but what a month to remember. I caught up with old friends, made some new friends and together we have some sparkling memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Tanya Marshall x


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